Limerick Comics is a 32 page children's book of original limericks presented in a comic book format with six panels per page. A limerick is a humorous verse of five lines, three long and two short, rhyming aabba. The sixth panel of each page in this book is a supplemental paragraph of factual background information related to the subject matter in that limerick. This sixth panel featuring fun facts is a natural learning extension and can be a springboard for in class discussion or facilitate discourse between parents and children.

This book is an innovative pairing of poetic imagination and fun facts, enlivened by the immensely popular graphic comics format. It is written to appeal to both reluctant and advanced readers alike. Limerick Comics can be a boon to the growing number of students with attention deficits, many of whom struggle to find a book they can actually read cover to cover.

Author Robert Hoyman is a 40 year veteran of the middle grade classroom. He is invested in making learning fun and humor is an integral part of the experience.

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